Bree A. McGregor
PhD in Writing & Rhetoric
About Bree
Researcher | Writer | Instructional Designer | Writing Instructor
Bree McGregor has more than a decade of academic research and writing experience, and she has taught professional, technical, and research writing courses in online, hybrid, and face-to-face instructional environments for American University, George Mason University, Arizona Western College, and the U.S. Marine Corps. She is also co-founder of McGregor Professional Writing and Research Services, a veteran-owned business that provides specialized research and writing services to nonprofit and government organizations.
Bree is a graduate of the Writing & Rhetoric PhD Program at George Mason University, where she published and presented original research related to military service members and veterans, digital rhetoric, and theories of networks, participation & identity. Her peer reviewed scholarly publications explore what it means to be an active-duty Marine in the age of social media: To better understand why service members seek out and participate in "unofficial" military-affiiliated online communities, how they negotiate their dual personal-professional identities within these communities, and how these online experiences impact both their military service and their eventual transition back into civilian society.
Specialties: Qualitative research; Professional & academic writing; Curriculum design and editing; Writing instruction; Website design
Ph.D. English
George Mason University
Writing & Rhetoric
Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society
M.A. English
Northern Arizona University
Technology & Professional Writing
Golden Key International Honor Society
B.A. English
University of West Florida
Literature & Creative Writing
Phi Alpha Delta Greek Honor Society
Publications, Awards, Conference Presentations, and Invited Talks
Peer Reviewed Publications
"'So We Hit It With a Hammer, and It Worked': How Active-Duty Marines Communicate, Collaborate, and Forge Their Own Learning Communities in Social Media." (2021.) In V. McDermott, L. H. Hernandez, & A. May (Eds.) Supporting the Military-Affiliated Learner: Communication Approaches to Military Pedagogy & Education. Washington, DC: Lexington Books.
This chapter presents mixed methods research findings and analyzes active-duty Marines' communication and community-building experiences prior to their exit from the military. It offers recommendations for administrators and faculty to support student veterans and service members transition from the military into higher education.
"Cultivating Critical Makers: Crafting with Paper-Electronic Circuits in an Online First Year Composition Course." (2022). In S. Holmes & A. Stagliano (Eds.) Reprogrammable Rhetoric. Logan, UT: Utah State University Press.
This chapter describes and anlalyzes the tinkering, exploratory nature of a critical-making themed writing course, and how it offered both students and instructor alike the opportunity to re-examine the nature of writing as a recursive, dialectical process.
"Becoming the Shaman: A Review of Rhetorical Delivery and Digital Technologies: Networks, Affect, Electracy" by Sean Morey 2016; Routledge. Enculturation: A Journal of Rhetoric, Writing, and Culture. May 9, 2017.
This review examines how, rather than "retrofitting" delivery as a mechanism of literacy, one tied to print-based writing, Morey points to an historic evolution of the medium in response to changes in delivery over time, evidencing the inevitable evolution of delivery as well as a return to the body as a visible, telepresent medium in the digital age. Taking this position, Morey addresses a wide range of digital topics for a number of audiences interested in rhetoric and composition in the digital age.
"Writing Faculty on the Marine Corps Base: Building Strong Classroom Communities Through Engagement and Advocacy." Reflections: A Journal of Public Rhetoric, Civic Writing, and Service Learning 16(2). December 2016.
Co-authored with Lourdes Fernandez, this paper presents original reearch findings from a case study of writing faculty who teach at Marine Corps Base Quantico Voluntary Education Center. Wenger's social theory of learning is used as a theoretical framework to analyze faculty experiences and better understand to what extent these instructors identify and participate in communities of practice within the military base teaching and learning environment.
Other Refereed Publications
Invited Publication: "Technology Access and Use in Writing Intensive Courses." The Writing Campus. June 2017.
As we aim to prepare students for critical thinking and writing in their chosen fields, how are we also preparing them to meet the demands of increasingly complex digital and public communication? In the Fall of 2016, Mason offered 151 writing intensive (WI) courses. As part of the WAC Re/View Study, this report illustrates opportunities and limitations for instructor and student engagement in digital literacy practices by identifying the following: (1) Access to classroom technology in writing intensive classrooms; (2) Use of classroom and personal technology in writing intensive classrooms.
Professional Writing and Digital Copywriting
Crystal Lake Cooperative Preschool Parent Handbook (August 2022).
Researched and published the 24-page CLCP Parent Handbook, which informs members about Crystal Lake Cooperative Preschool (501c3) standards, services, common practices, and operating procedures. The handbook serves as a guide for the co-op community: teachers, parents, and executive board members.
Web Content Copywriting: Crystal Lake Cooperative Preschool Website (July 2022).
Created written content and photographs for Crystal Lake Cooperative Preschool website. Finalized all website design choices in collaboration with Current 120 design team.
Recognition and Awards
Dissertation Completion Grant, Spring 2019. ($10,000.) Awarded by the Provost Office of Graduate Education, George Mason University.
Frank, D. "C&W Session F1: Critical Making As Emergent Techne." June 2017.
Bree McGregor offered her take on critical making in a video that explored her work with critical making in an online class.
Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC) Professional Equity Project Grant, 2017.
Travel grant awarded annually through CCCC to support the concerns of two-year college faculty, such as improving working conditions and promoting the scholarship of teaching.
Council of Writing Program Administrators (CWPA) Graduate Research Grant, June 2016.
Travel grant of awarded annually through the CWPA Graduate Organization to recognize students identified for undertaking promising graduate research.
Conference Presentations
"The Military Social Media Mission: The Ethical Implications of Praxis, Pedagogy, and Policy." Computers and Writing Conference. Michigan State University, MI, June 2019. Co-Presenters: Corrine Hinton, Texas A&m University - Texarkana; Sandy Branham, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University; Jeffrey Turner, National Defense University; Mark Blaauw-Hara, North Central Michigan College.
"Reaching for Common Ground: Professional Development Within and Across the Disciplines." International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference. Auburn, GA, June 2018. Co-Presenters: Lourdes Fernandez, Jessica Matthews, Jennifer Messier, George Mason University.
"Putting Policy into Practice: Teaching Writing across the Military-Civilian Divide." College Conference for Composition and Communication. Kansas City, MO, March 2018. Co-Presenters: Lourdes Fernandez, George Mason University; Mariana Grohowski, Indiana University Southeast; Alexis Hart, Allegheny College; Tara Hembrough, Southeastern Oklahoma State University.
"Case Study of Faculty Engagement and Advocacy in a Voluntary Education Center." Conference for College and Military Educators. San Diego, CA, March 2018. Co-Presenter: Lourdes Fernandez, George Mason University.
"Digital Faculty Development Hubs: If You Build It, Will They Come?" Conference for Writing Program Administrators. Knoxville, TN, July 2017. Co-Presenters: Paul Michiels and Lourdes Fernandez, George Mason University.
"Critical Making As Emergent Techne." Computers & Writing Conference. University of Findlay, OH, June 2017. Co-Presenters: Dr. Steven Holmes and Rachael Lussos, George Mason University; Dr. Anthony Stagliano, New Mexico State University.
"Teaching Writing to Veterans and Active Military Personnel." College Conference for Composition and Communication. Portland, OR, March 2017. Co-Presenter: Lourdes Fernandez, George Mason University.
"Forging New Front Lines: Writing Faculty Identification and Membership in Non-Traditional Communities of Practice." Conference for Writing Program Administrators. Raleigh, NC, July 2016. Co-Presenter: Lourdes Fernandez, George Mason University.
“The WAC Re/View Project at George Mason University: Program Review as Mentorship Opportunity.” International Writing-Across-the-Curriculum Conference, Ann Arbor, MI, June 2016. Co-Presenters: Dr. Michelle LaFrance, Chris Kervina, Ashley Yuckenberg, George Mason University.
“Incoming! Preparing to Serve Military-Connected Students Transferring from Military Base Education Centers.” NASPA Military-Connected Students National Symposium, Orlando, FL, January 2016. Co-Presenter: Lourdes Fernandez, George Mason University.
Invited Talks
"College Writing 101." Pathways to College at Marine Corps Base Quantico. Presented by The Tiger Woods Foundation. October 2016.
In this Pathways to College workshop, students learn more about how to develop a writing process, the types of writing they will do in college, how college writing is evaluated, and what writing resources are available on college campuses. Underpinning these lessons is the expectation that college students are independent, proactive, and responsible.
"Teaching Maker Assignments in a First Year Composition Course." Mason Out Loud Podcast Series. English Department, George Mason University. Forthcoming 2018.
Mason Out Loud features creative writing and scholarship from GMU's English department faculty, students and alumni. In this podcast, I share the process of integrating nontraditional composing projects into a freshman composition course and the experience of engaging in critical making projects from both instructor and the student perspectives.
"VEC Brief: Research Findings and Recommended Interventions." Voluntary Education Center; Marine Corps Base Quantico. September 2016.
In this brief, research findings were presented from the study of writing faculty identification and participation in communities of practice. Specific interventions were recommended to VEC administrators.
"Teachers as Writers & the Pedagogical Implications." 2016 Spring Writing Institute. Arizona Western College. April 2016.
In this workshop designed for faculty who teach writing intensive courses across the disciplines, participants reflected on their writing habits and processes, and examined implications for writing instruction in their classrooms and opportunities to help students identify and develop their own writing processes.
“Leveraging Learning Communities: Practical Research and Scholarship at the Two-Year College.” Professional Development Day, Teleconference, Arizona Western College, February 2016.
This presentation introduced the concept of SoTL to two-year college faculty as a practical way of investing in scholarship, and discussed the benefits of SoTL research for both faculty and students.
Previous Teaching POSITIONS
Adjunct Professorial Lecturer
American University | Washington, D.C. | 2020-2022
Synchronous Online (Zoom) Courses Taught
WRT 100 Students engage in digital ethnography, identify an online subculture or community of people to study, and design research around questions they wish to explore. In a beginner-level capacity, they will learn the process of ethnography through assigned readings, class discussions and activities, and digital fieldwork experiences.
WRT 101 This course introduces social media as a professional tool, and it introduces students to professional writing and rhetoric skills that will help them develop agency on social networks. In doing so, it attends to these questions: How can we transform everyday social media practices into professional practice? How can social media technologies facilitate professional identity and network formation?
Graduate Teaching Assistant
George Mason University | Fairfax, Virginia | 2018-2020
Asynchronous Online Course Taught
ENGH 388 Professional & Technical Writing: Teaches the tools to leverage communication effectively for a variety of professional situations and audiences. A rhetorical approach focuses on a wide range of analytical skills to understand how to best operate in future professional and workplace environments where communication is necessary.
Professor of English
Arizona Western College | Yuma, Arizona | 2010-2017
Face-to-Face, Hybrid, and Asyncrhonus Online Courses Taught
ENG 90 Fundamentals of Writing (Accelerated): Introduction of essential skills for college-level academic writing, with focus on the writing process, as well as standard usage and mechanics, in structuring clear sentences, paragraphs, and multi-paragraph essays.
ENG 100 Introduction to Composition: A course in expository writing for students who need review and practice in adapting college-level writing conventions, organizational strategies, and revision and editing techniques to a variety of writing tasks in preparation for university-parallel composition classes.
ENG 101 Freshman Composition I: A course in expository writing with emphasis on writing processes and effective rhetorical choices concerning audience, purpose, genre, and style. Students will examine the relationships among language, knowledge, and power, and gain facility with critical reading and writing.
ENG 102 Freshman Composition II: A course in academic writing and critical thinking skills. This course is an intensive study of and practice in the strategies and techniques used for developing research-based expository and persuasive texts, emphasizing research methods and the process of inquiry.
ENG 110 Professional Writing: A course in basic technical writing, including memos, status and progress reports, application letters, and resume writing in the context of technical fields of study.
ENG 190 Introduction to Literature (formerly Freshman Composition II): A course designed to introduce the students to interpretive concepts of literature and to develop their enjoyment and understanding of it.Professional & Community Involvement
Recent Service
President, Crystal Lake Cooperative Preschool, 2022-2023
Manage general operations and communication of cooperative preschool to include student recruitment and enrollment, fundraising, executive board members and volunteers, board meetings, and teacher and classroom contracts.
Secretary, Crystal Lake Cooperative Preschool, 2021-2022
Draft communication between the executive board and preschool families; record board meeting minutes.
Proposal Reviewer, Computers & Writing Conference, 2017-2020
Evaluated proposal submissions, provided constructive written commentary, and made final recommendations.
Proposal Reviewer, Innovations in Teaching & Learning Conference
George Mason University, 2016-2020
Evaluated and recommended proposal submissions.
Tutor, Office of Military Services
George Mason University, 2016-2017
Volunteered as a writing tutor, working closely with student veterans and service members.
Volunteer, Marine Officer Spouse Association
Raise funds to create college scholarships for military families.
Professional Memberships
Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC)
National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE)
Council of Writing Program Administration (CWPA)
George Mason Society for Technical Communication (STC)
McGregor © 2023